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All Assignments are to be sent to:

DUE: The final must be turned in by end of term, January 15th.  


The subject line of your e-mail will be: 'Final Exam - HOL name'

Multiple Choice: (2 points each) 

1. Those who practice Blood Magic are known as...?

A. Bounty Hunters

B. Blood Mages

C. Dark Wizards

D. Prophets


2. What is the symbol for Warlock Covens?

A. The Moon

B. The Sun

C. The Reaper

D.  A shrubbery


3. What is blood purity also referred to as?

A. Blood Status

B. Supeirior

C. Godly

D. Finagle 


4. When you break humans down to their essentials, what are they programmed to do?

A. Love

B. Gain Power

C. Survive

D. Sing on American Idol


5. When was the statute of Secrecy created and when was it implemented?

A. 1734; 1742

B. 1679; 1692

C. 1642; 1650

D. 1689; 1692


Short Answer: (2 points each)


1. Where do Blood Path Mages pull their power?


2. What is the main difference between creating a Horcrux and being a Blood Path Mage?  


3. What are the four forms of blood rank?  


4. What is the problem with someone who is underage performing magic?


5.  Why are some magical spells written to rhyme? Do you agree with this theory? Why or why not?  


Essay: (5 points each) 


1. Would you ever consider going to route of a Blood Path Mage, gaining power through sacrificing another's life? Why or why not? (75 word minimum)


2. In lesson 2, we discussed Wizarding Blood and the different classifications of blood status. Our world already has Squibs and Muggle Borns, but do you think, over time, there might be another evolution of magic in our world? For example, do you think that younger students just beginning to study magic might be able to use wandless magic at a more youthful age due to an evolution of magic? Why or why not? 


Class Survey (30 points)


More than likely, there will not be another MMC class other than MMC I and MMC II. I thank all of you in this class for continuing from the original class into this one. It is definitely enjoyable once again. The questions for this section will be fairly simple, mostly for my curiosity. I thank you all once again.


1. Out of the lessons for this class, which was your favorite and why?


2. If you could add something to any of the lessons to learn about, what would it be?


3. Is there anything you would like to see elaboration on for the future?


4. Were you clinically insane at the time you decided to take MMC II? ;-)


Thank you!  

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