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Lesson One

Assignment and Extra Credit

All Assignments are to be sent to:

DUE: You are permitted to turn in all assignments and extra credit early. Also, while I have set specific months to turn in these Assignments and EC's, I am going to accept all work turned in at any time during the term until the end of term, whenever that is at this point. Each assignment  and extra credit will technically correspond with a month, but once again, you may turn in any assignment and extra credit at any time before 
January 15th. 

Do not send your assignment or extra credit in as an attachment. Upload photos, drawings, ect. to a photo-hosting site. (i.e. Photobucket)

*** Please send your assignment and extra credit separately ***

The subject line of your e-mail will be: 'Assignment 1 - HOL name'

For extra credit:  'Extra Credit 1 - HOL name'  


Multiple Choice: (2 points each) 

1. Those who practice Blood Magic are known as...?

A. Bounty Hunters

B. Blood Mages

C. Dark Wizards

D. Prophets


2. During days of biblical reference, what were these Mages known as?

A. Wizards

B. Warlocks

C. Magi

D. Cyndi Lauper


3. During which era did Blood Path Mages become more common?

A. Medieval

B. Renaissance

C. Cenozoic

D. Silurian


4. Where do Blood Path Mages perform their sacrificial rituals?

A. Disney World

B. On Sacred ground

C. A church

D. At an Altar 


5. What is the symbol for Warlock Covens?

A. The Moon

B. The Sun

C. The Reaper

D.  A shrubbery

Short Answer: (2 points each) 


1. What is the definition of  'anathema?' 


2. Where do Blood Path Mages pull their power?


3.  What are Blood Path Mages obsessed with?


4. What is the main difference between creating a Horcrux and being a Blood Path Mage? 


5. Normally, who do witches worship? Who do Warlocks worship?

Opinion Question:  (10 points) 


“Thus, when we decide if an action is good or evil, it's not what the action is for, it is what the action is itself that decides if it is good or evil."


In your personal opinion, do you agree with the excerpt above? Why or why not? If you agree and disagree with it, that is also fine.


Simply tell me why you agree and disagree.  


Extra Credit:  (30 points)


I would like for you all to do a bit of your own  research and find one (1) other name the goddess and god mentioned in this lesson go by. I will give you a hint to go off.

The Witch Goddess deemed Hecate.

The Warlock God named Pan.


For the second portion, I would like you to find two (2) more gods and goddesses witches and warlocks worship. 


Finally, write a little blurb on one of the goddesses or gods you found that caught your attention, and why that particular entity caught your attention. 

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