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Lesson Two

Misconstruing Magic

     The images above are beautiful representations of ancient magical symbols still used and honored in our world today. The Triple Goddess: a pentacle encompassed by phases of the moon, and the pentacle (often, and incorrectly, referred to as a pentagram) showing its true representation of the five elements existing in natural magic.


     Symbolism within magic is ancient and incontrovertible. The use of symbols dates back thousands of years to hieroglyphics and runes used primarily as a form of communication. However, within the form of old witchcraft and ancient Druid and Celtic rituals, symbols of power were and still are used in rituals to release various forms of energy stored in the natural world.


    For purpose of this lesson, allow me to explain the idea of the natural world and its energies more thoroughly. Modern day magic is not what witches and wizards of past centuries have known, though their old magic has played a monumental role in shaping the present Wizarding world. The former Druid race, now known as Celts, used the concept of peace, harmony, and nature for their purpose and magical power. Their magics were pulled from the mass amount of energy holstered in nature surrounding them. Trees, meadows, and flowers for example, but not excluding the sun, moon, and stars. Celestial bodies such as the moon and stars are especially prudential in old Druid magic. 


    It is true that many muggles practice various forms of the art of witchcraft without possessing any magical ability. This is why their use of the craft predominately revolves around the physical and natural world. Those who practice magic without having the talent are also faced with the brunt of persecution and judgment by those who view their practices as immoral, unnatural, and evil. Imagine the uproar that would occur if the muggle world ever found out their truly existed witches and wizards. We shall discuss why the Wizarding world continues to conceal its presence from the muggle world more in future lessons.


    Contrary to popular and public belief by muggles; witchcraft, wizardry, Paganism, Wicca, and Druid/Celtic rituals are not evil by nature in the slightest. Again, this relates back to the previous lesson of how humans fear what they do not understand or have insufficient knowledge of. This brings us to our next topic: Symbolism.


    There are many symbols of power within the magical race. The Pentagram/Pentacle, The Triple Goddess, Witch's Knot, the All-Seeing Eye, the Wheel, and, even, the famous peace sign are a few of the most predominant and well-known of the symbols. The mention of these symbols in this lesson is related to the fact their meaning has been misconstrued and misinterpreted for many years.                                                           

    A key case and example of this misconstruction is the Pentagram or Pentacle represented above. A standard symbol for witches, free-masons, and many other pagan or occult groups. To witches, it represents the five primal elements of wind, water, earth, fire and spirit.. The pentagram can also be used for protection., to banish energy, or to bring it to you. It is a symbol of natural and wholesome magic. However, many in the muggle world believe this symbol to be that of religious occults directly connected to evil entities. This assumption and preconceived notion is completely false.


    It was brought to my attention that the lesson is not very clear on the elements of the pentagram. Fire, air, earth, and water are the four main elemental factors of all natural magic. However, if you'll notice, the pentagram has five points. The northern most point represents the rare, yet powerful concept of Spirit. Spirit has no boundaries. It comes from the heart and the mind and goodness of a being. It is powerful and wonderful.


 The Pentagram, when drawn upside down, is the true symbol of negative energy relating to evil forces. When one desires to understand the true meaning behind symbols of old magic, if their studies are conducted properly, they will see that almost all original magical symbols involve unity, wholeness, nature, and peace.


     It has been theorized that those who follow the path of negative and evil magic misconstrue the meaning of pure symbols on purpose. Why might that be? In a logical sense, the intention behind their actions could be to defame good magic and unleash doubt and confusion upon those who are already uncertain about the existence and purpose of real magic. To upset nature and turn the tables against those who are obedient and honest in their practice, thus turning the delicate balance of good and evil in their favor.


    This, of course, does not only relate to the magical world. The spread of negative thoughts and actions against those who practice magic, any sort of magic is prevalent.


    Please proceed to October's Assignment.


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