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Submitting and Points:


What should you write? We are not holding restrictions on articles. Please feel free to write what you love, or care about, or want to write about.


Ideas? Well, you’re a creative bunch of students and we honestly want those ideas. Write what you love. Write what you know. Those of use in Gryffindor will love it regardless. If you’re stumped or having an episode of writers block, send me a message (Professor Zenix James) and I will be happy to talk it through with you to find something.


Here's a breakdown of our sections, though, and what can go into them:


The Regular Roar – These are for the actual articles and columns that will go into the newspaper. HOL Happenings, Contests, Challenges, so on and so forth, but not limited to any other articles, like articles on Halloween as I mentioned.
Move Your Paws – Self explanatory. Articles on Quidditch, HOL Quidditch, any other sports related items you may think of. 
Riddikulous Rumos – Movie reviews, books reviews, recipes, playlists, horoscopes. Those kinds of things that fall under the gossip and entertainment category. 
Minerva’s Musings – Editorials is pretty self explanatory. They're basically opinion pieces.
Scratching Post – For other houses to send in their advertisements for whatever is out there right now. So, yes, we're accepting adverts, too. Please note: Adverts that are submitted are NOT worth points.


Please remember, you can only earn 50 points per issue, so if you’re attempting Pros and Cons, that will account for 30 points of your submissions. Prose and Cons will be up within the next two days.


A breakdown of the points follows as such:


Reminder: Articles/columns must be a minimum of 350 words and there is no maximum


20 Points for articles/Columns (10 each) – 2 articles/columns per student/staff. If you feel a burning desire to write more than 2 articles, message me and we'll work something out.

20 Points: Graphics (5-10 each)

20 Points: Other: Which are submissions for things in the Paw Print like Recipes/Playlists/Poems and other creative ideas you may have for submissions. (5-10 each)


But you can only get 50 points for direct submissions to the paper, so it has to be a mix of the above!


Prose and Cons is also being offered all year, so you can earn 30 extra points per month for submissions to it. Those 30 points do not count as any part of the other 50 you can earn. There will be a separate post in the forums regarding Prose and Cons. 


Please send all submissions to:



Subject: Gryff Paw Print Submission(s)


In the body of your e-mail, please include your HOL Name.


I think that’s everything that is relevant for this. Again, if you have any questions or need help with anything, please feel free to contact me.


Happy writing!

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